How to groom your dog
Dog grooming is one of the very basic needs of the dog. It makes the dog feel and look its best. Grooming is the hygienic care and cleaning of the dog, which makes their coat healthier and shinier. This is the best way to get close with your pet and it should be started from the early age of your pet. [Click to continue...]
Is your dog suffering from arthritis?
If you are a beginner in terms of owning a dog, this issue may be unknown to you. But experienced dog owners very well understand that dogs are as prone to arthritis as humans. Thus, it is very essential to detect the first signs of arthritis in your dog so that the disease can be stopped from progressing, or at least slowed down. While a professional veterinarian would be the best person to check for dog arthritis, here are some symptoms which may help you to detect this disease at an early stage. [Click to continue...]
How to select right dog breed according to the climate?
There are a lot of factors which go into selecting a dog breed such as the kind of lifestyle you have, whether you have kids in your house or not, the general purpose of having a dog etc. The climate of the region where you live is another primary factor to take into account when selecting a dog breed. After all, you want your dog to be as comfortable as possible, right? Here is some info on what types of dogs are suited to which climate, that may help you narrow down your search when looking for a dog. [Click to continue...]
Dogs and their owner's personalities
It is a common belief that “dogs mirror their owners.” You can decipher a lot about a person just by observing his/her dogs. In fact, if you are not sure about yourself or you are not sure what breed would suit you best, this article may help you out with that as well. Here are some common pointers to look in dogs and what they tell about their owners. [Click to continue...]