Grooming: | ||||||
Shedding: | ||||||
Energy Level: | ||||||
Protection: | ||||||
Watch Dog: |
Group: | Sporting |
Size: | Large |
Life Span: | 10-12 years |
Height: | Male: 24-26 inches |
Female: 23-25 inches | |
Weight: | Male: 60-80 lbs |
Female: 50-70 lbs |
English Setter Facts
Coat : | Flat and silky |
Gait : | Free and effortless |
Color(s) : | White with markings of black, orange, lemon, liver, or black and tan. |
Living Area : | Average |
Hair Length: | Medium |
Exercise Need : | Daily long walk and jog |
Recognized By : |
(CKC) Canadian Kennel Club (FCI) F�d�ration Cynologique Internationale (AKC) American Kennel Club (UKC) United Kennel Club (KCGB) Kennel Club of Great Britain (CKC) Canadian Kennel Club (NKC) National Kennel Club (NZKC) New Zealand Kennel Club (APRI) America Pet Registry, Inc. (ACR) American Canine Registry (DRA) Dog Registry of America |
Date of Origin : | 17th Century |
Place of Origin : | England |
Todays Use : | Companion Dog |
Originally Used : | Bird Dog |
Other Name : | Lawerack, Laverack, Llewellin |
English Setter Information
English Setter Description:The origin of the English Setter lies in England. It dates back to the 17th century. It is believed to be a result of crossbreeding between Spanish Pointer, Springer Spaniel and Water Spaniel. It was earlier called the Setting Spaniel. In the early 19th century, the breed was adopted by a certain Mr. Edward Laverack who crossbred this breed with hunting French Dogs. The modern English Setter has its ancestry in the lineage developed by Laverack and from then on the breed came to be known as the English Setter. It was primarily used for setting or pointing game birds. The breed was first recognized by the AKC in 1884. |
English Setter Care & Grooming:The English Setter is an average shedder and sheds heavily during spring and fall. Its flat and shiny coat needs to be brushed at least 3-4 times a week and almost daily during shedding season. It should be bathed only when necessary and must be dried properly after each bath. The ears and eyes should be cleaned regularly to avoid any infection. Its nail and, the hair around the eyes, ears and paws need to be trimmed regularly. Its long hanging feathery ears tend to accumulate dirt and moisture so special care needs to be taken of the ears. |
English Setter Health Problems:The English Setter is prone to some health issues like hip and elbow Dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, Cancer, Deafness etc. |
Group: | Toy |
Size: | Small |
Life Span: | 12-15 years |
Height: | Male: 10-14 inches Female: 10-14 inches |
Weight: | Male:14-18 lbs Female: 14-18 lbs |
Color: | Fawn or black |
Description: | The Pug is an ancient dog breed believed to have been imported from China. The earliest references to..... |